Builders Page for the Zenith CH601

Following are the latest STOL CH 601 photo assembly guides. The following is published to supplement (and not replace) the drawings. If a discrepancy arises between these photo assembly guides and the Drawings, the Drawings always take precedence. These documents are presented in the Adobe Acrobat file format for online viewing and easy printing. The photos are presented in low-resolution for quicker downloads.

NOTICE: These documents contain copyrighted information and are NOT FOR DUPLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION.

DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
Title PageZODIAC XL Photo Assembly Guides Title Page 11/15/04
introductionBasic Introduction to Building (rudder) – 18 pages10/0211/6/02
ZODIAC XL Photo Assembly Guides Title Page
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
Construction ManualConstruction Manual – Introduction 10/02
CSConstruction Standards for Zenair Light AirplanesDraft3/11
xl-parts-catZodiac XL Illustrated Parts Catalog – 22 pagesDraft4/07
Tail Sections
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
LinkBuilding your Zodiac Horizontal Tail” DVD from  
6-T-1AStabilizer Front Spar2.506/01/07
6-T-1BStabilizer Rear Spar2.402/28/05
6-T-1CStabilizer Skeleton2.402/28/05
6-T-2AStabilizer Skin2.306/01/06
6-T-2BPiano Hinge2.410/20/06
6-T-2CStabilizer Installation on Fuselage2.302/28/05
6-T-3AElevator Ribs & Skin3.502/28/06
6-T-3BElevator Horns3.302/28/06
6-T-3CElevator Cutout3.36/01/07
6-T-4 CNCRudder Spar & Ribs (pre-drilled rudder spar)3.2112/10/07
65-T-4Zodiac CH 650 Rudder Spar & Ribs1.0110/16/08
6-T-5-CNCRudder Rear & Nose Skins (pre-drilled skins)3.15/7/07
65-T-5Zodiac CH 650 Rudder Rear & Nose Skins1.0110/16/08
6-T-6Trim Tab3.006/30/05
6-T-6DRAWING: Trim Tab 08/05
6-NSO-1Rudder Position Light1.14/19/04
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
Wing ConstructionWing Construction DVD from A step-by step guile  
6-w-1Wings: Flaps3.33/12/07
6-w-2Wings: Ailerons3.010/15/06
6-w-3Wings: Outboard Wing Spar Assembly3.16/24/05
6-w-5Wings: Spar Tip / Nose Rib3.16/24/05
6-w-6Wings: Rear Ribs / Aileron Bellcrank3.06/24/05
6-w-7aWings: Rear Channel/ Right Wing Skeleton4.16/24/05
6-w-7bWing Assembly4.16/24/05
6-w-8aWing Skins: 1 of 23.26/24/05
6-w-8aaWing Assembly: Checking Wing Twist1.01/17/07
6-w-8bWing Skins: 2 of 23.36/10/05
6-w-9Wings: Tie Down Ring/ Access Cover/ Wing Tip / Pitot Tube2.46/24/05
6-w-10Wings: Aileron Control / Bellcrank/ Deflection / Stops3.28/14/06
6-K-1Wings: Leading Edge Wing Tanks/ Fuel Sender3.01/23/03
6-K-1bWings: Fuel Sender1.12/23/06
6-LLO-1Wings: Landing Light Option3.35/19/06
fuel-2ndFuel System – 2nd Edition Drawings: Auxiliary Fuel System PlumbingDWG1/03
6W131st Edition Drawings: Auxiliary Fuel System PlumbingDWG1/03
6B241st Edition Drawings: Alternative installation of fuel shut offDWG1/03
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
LinkBuilding your Zodiac CH 601 XL Fuselage Part 1 DVD from  
LinkBuilding your Zodiac CH 601 XL Fuselage Part 2 DVD from  
LinkBuilding your Zodiac CH 601 XL Fuselage Part 3 DVD from  
6-B-1Fuselage Bottom / Horizontal Tail Frames3.07/22/05
6-B-2Rear Bottom Longerons / Rear Fuselage Members3.07/22/05
6-B-3Rear Side Skins / Rear Fuselage Members3.21/18/07
6-B-4Rear Fuselage Riveting3.08/18/05
6-B-5Gear Channel2.13/31/05
6-B-6Firewall & Stiffener/ Engine Mount Fittings (CNC)2.32/05/08
6-B-7Firewall Riveting/ Firewall Front & Rear Stiffeners2.32/05/08
LinkNosewheel Bungee Installation Tool allows you to install or replace nose gear bungee easily in minutes.  
6-B-8Cabin Floor2.13/31/05
6-B-9Rudder Pedal / Toe Brakes2.13/31/05
6-B-10Front Floor Skin/ Center Wing Spar2.13/31/05
6-B-11AUpper Front Longerons / Fuselage Side Skins2.13/31/05
6-B-11BUpper Front Longerons / Fuselage Side Skins2.13/31/05
6-B-11CUpper Front Longerons / Fuselage Side Skins2.13/31/05
6-B-11DUpper Front Longerons / Fuselage Side Skins2.21/24/07
6-B-13Wing Jig / Center Wing Spar Uprights2.13/31/05
6-B-14Joining Fuselage Assemblies / Main Gear Attach.2.28/18/05
6-B-14-DWGDRAWING 6-B-143/053/21/05
6-B-15Forward Fuselage Stiffeners / Front Seat Panel2.18/18/05
6-B-16ASeat Back Support2.28/18/05
6-B-16BBaggage Panel2.18/18/05
6-B-16CLongeron Doubler2.18/18/05
6-B-17Control Stick / Torque Tube2.38/18/05
6-B-18Arm Rest / Seat Bottom / Seat Belt Attachment2.18/18/05
6-B-19-DWGUpdate: Installing the new style linear flap actuator 10/2007
6-B-19Wing Flaps Control (old style flap actuator)2.08/18/05
6-B-21AShoulder Harness Attachment2.38/18/05
6-B-21BFuselage Top Skins2.28/18/05
6-B-21CFuselage Assembly2.28/18/05
6-GLanding Gear / Brake Lines1.115/8/07
fuselage-doorFuselage Bottom Access Door Option1.01/3/05
6-ADO-1DRAWING: Fuselage Bottom Access Door OptionDWG1/11/05
Dual Control Sticks Option
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
ds-1of3Dual Control Sticks Option: Section 1 of 31.01/21/04
ds-2of3Dual Control Sticks Option: Section 2 of 31.01/21/04
ds-3of3Dual Control Sticks Option: Section 3 of 31.01/21/04
Tail-Wheel (tail dragger) Gear Option
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
td0Tail-Wheel Gear Option: Parts List1.01/26/04
td1Tail-Wheel Gear Option: Section 1 of 41.01/26/04
td2Tail-Wheel Gear Option: Section 2 of 41.01/26/04
td3Tail-Wheel Gear Option: Section 3 of 41.01/26/04
td4Tail-Wheel Gear Option: Section 4 of 41.01/26/04
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
Link601XL to CH650 Canopy Conversion – A step by step video guide for converting your 601XL canopy to the new style CH650 canopy DVD from  
6-c-1Canopy Hinge3.010/28/05
6-c-2Canopy Side Frames3.010/28/05
6-c-3Canopy Frame/ Inside & Outside Frame2.03/13/03
6-c-3aCanopy Frame/ Inside & Outside Frame3.010/28/05
6-c-3bCanopy Frame3.010/28/05
6-c-3cCanopy Frame3.010/28/05
6-c-3dCanopy Frame3.010/28/05
6-c-4Canopy Release/ Canopy Screws & Seals2.03/13/03
Jabiru 3300 Engine Installation Manuals
 The Jabiru 3300 engine installation for the Zodiac is supplied and supported by Jabiru USA Sport Aircraft LLC
2842 Highway 231
North Shelbyville TN 37160
Tel: 800-JABIRU1 (800-522-4781)
Jabiru USA offers detailed assembly manuals on their website for installation of the Jabiru 3300 engine.
Jabiru Engine Installation Seminar” DVD
Rotax 912S Engine Installation
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
912S-1Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Engine Mount1.06/24/02
912S-2Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Bolting on the Engine1.112/02
912S-3Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Engine Controls: Throttle / Choke1.06/24/02
912S-4Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Radiator1.06/24/02
912S-5Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Oil Radiator1.112/03
912S-6Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Propeller1.06/24/02
912S-7Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Engine Cowl1.06/24/02
912S-8Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Exhaust / Muffler1.06/24/02
912S-9Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Air Filter1.211/03
912S-10Rotax 912S Engine Installation: Electric System1.06/24/02
Aircraft Finishing / Options
DocumentsDescriptionRevisionLast Update
6WFO-1AWheel Fairings Option Section 1 (new style fairing)2.06/29/06
6WFO-1BWheel Fairings Option Section 2 (new style fairing)2.06/29/06
PanelSample Instrument Panel Layouts (template) 10/2010

This web site is published strictly for informational purposes. It is maintained to provide a forum for exchanging information about Zenair designs. Any pictures, diagrams, drawings or graphs, are used for general identification only, and are not to be taken to represent technical drawings or replicas of exact parts. You should not consider the educational material in the web site to be the practice of general aviation.

This site is not intended to replace, substitute for or supersede any technical information contained in the drawings, any Federal Aviation Administration regulations, or the manufacturer’s manuals.< Neither Zenith Aircraft Company (ZAC) nor the authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein and neither ZAC or any other authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This site is offered with the understanding that ZAC and any other authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought. These statements are to be considered disclaimers of responsibility from anything published here.