Builders Page for the Zenith STOL CH801
Following are the latest STOL CH 801 photo assembly guides. The following is published to supplement (and not replace) the drawings. If a discrepancy arises between these photo assembly guides and the Drawings, the Drawings always take precedence. These documents are presented in the Adobe Acrobat file format for online viewing and easy printing. The photos are presented in low-resolution for quicker downloads.
NOTICE: These documents contain copyrighted information and are NOT FOR DUPLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION.
Zenith CH 801 Assembly ManualsDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
801-assembly | Basic view of the STOL CH 801 airframe assembly | sketch | 7/12/00 |
801-assembly1 | Enhanced views of the STOL CH 801 airframe assembly | sketch | 12/28/01 |
RUDDER TAIL SECTION – KIT ASSEMBLYDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
introduction | Introduction to building – 18 pages | 10/02 | 11/6/02 |
CS | Construction Standards | Draft | 3/11 |
8XR-1 | Rudder Exploded View Parts 8R1-1 to 8R3-4 dwg | 3/1/02 | 8/26/02 |
8RU-01 | 1 of 3: Rudder Assembly Drawing 1 – internal assembly dwg | 2/25/02 | 8/26/02 |
8RU-02 | 2 of 3: Rudder Assembly Drawing 2 – installing the skins dwg | 2/25/02 | 8/26/02 |
8RU-03 | 3 of 3: Rudder Assembly Drawing 3 – tail light & rudder hinge dwg | 2/25/02 | 8/26/02 |
rudder0 | Title Page / Table of Contents | 2/03 | 2/20/03 |
rudder1 | 1 of 5: Building the Sub-Assemblies: Spar and Skeleton 3.0 | 8/02 | 8/26/02 |
rudder2 | 2 of 5: Building the Sub-Assemblies: Spar and Skeleton 3.0 | 2/03 | 2/20/03 |
rudder3 | 3 of 5: Installing the Rudder Skins 3.0 | 8/02 | 8/26/02 |
rudder4 | 4 of 5: Installing the Rudder Skins 3.0 | 8/02 | 8/26/02 |
rudder5 | 5 of 5: Installing the Rudder Fairings 3.0 | 8/02 | 8/26/02 |
HORIZONTAL TAIL SECTION – KIT ASSEMBLYDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
tail part list | Horizontal Tail Part Number List | 5/18/04 | 5/18/04 |
8XH-1 | Horizontal Tail – Exploded View (1 of 3) dwg | 5/14/14 | 5/04 |
8XH-2 | Horizontal Tail – Exploded View (2 of 3) dwg | 5/14/14 | 5/04 |
8HA-1 | Horizontal Tail – Skeleton Layout (3 of 3) dwg | 5/14/14 | 5/04 |
elev1 | ELEVATOR SKELETON ASSEMBLY | 4.1 | 6/18/04 |
elev2 | POSITIONING THE ELEVATOR SKINS | 4.1 | 6/18/04 |
elev4 | ELEVATOR TRIM TAB | 4.0 | 05/14/04 |
horizt1 | HORIZONTAL TAIL SKELETON ASSEMBLY | 4.1 | 06/18/04 |
horizt2 | INSTALLING THE HORIZONTAL TAIL SKINS | 4.0 | 05/14/04 |
horizt3 | FITTING THE ELEVATOR HINGES | 4.0 | 05/14/04 |
horizt4 | INSTALLING THE FIBERGLASS TIPS | 4.0 | 05/14/04 |
LEADING-EDGE WING SLATS SECTION – KIT ASSEMBLYDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
8XS-1 | Slats Assembly – Exploded View Parts 8S1-1 to 8S2-1 dwg | 3/1/02 | 3/1/02 |
slats1of3 | Introduction / Parts List INSTALLING THE RIBS | 3.1 | 12/02 |
slats2of3 | POSITIONING THE SKIN | 3.1 | 12/02 |
FLAPERONS SECTION – KIT ASSEMBLYDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
8XA-1 | Flaperons Assembly – Exploded View dwg | 12/02 | 12/02 |
flaperons1 | REAR SKINS AND NOSE RIBS ASSEMBLY | 3.0 | 9/02 |
flaperon3of3a | 1 of 2: POSITIONING THE FLAPERON TO THE WING AND FUSELAGE | 4.0 | 9/27/00 |
flaperon3of3b | 2 of 2: POSITIONING THE FLAPERON TO THE WING AND FUSELAGE | 4.0 | 9/27/00 |
fr3-6 | Flaperon Control Horn 8A2-5 dwg | | 9/19/00 |
FUSELAGE ASSEMBLIESDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
8XF-1 | Fuselage Exploded View (rear) Parts 8F1-1 to 8F5-11 | dwg | 12/02 |
8XF-2 | Fuselage Exploded View (fwd) Parts 8F7-1 to 8F8-7 | dwg | 01/16/02 |
8XF-3 | Fuselage Exploded View (cabin) Parts 8F9-SA to 8F11-16 | dwg | 9/14/01 |
8XF-4 | Fuselage Exploded View (cabin) Parts 8F14-1 to 8F18-1 | dwg | 12/02 |
8XF-5 | Fuselage Exploded View (cabin) Parts 8F19-2 – 8F22-9 (doors & seats) | dwg | 12/02 |
fuselage-view | Overview of the full fuselage assembly with gear | sketch | 7/12/00 |
fuselage | Overview of the full fuselage assembly (drawing) | sketch | 5/00 |
F5-3Z | Top Channel “Zee” Reinforcement Dated | 10/2001 | 10/15/01 |
FINAL ASSEMBLYDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
top-view | Top View of Aircraft Assembly | dwg | 11/30/01 |
8XC-1 | Control System: Exploded View Parts 8C1-1 to 8C6-9 | dwg | 12/02 |
8CX-2 | Control System: Exploded View Parts 8C8-1A – 8C9-5 | dwg | 01/25/02 |
8XL-1 | Landing Gear Exploded View: Parts 8L1-1 to 8L2-4 | dwg | 12/02 |
8LS-1 | Drawing: Main Landing Gear Spring Assembly – drawing. | dwg | 1/15/01 |
gear-s1 | 1 of 3 Nose Gear to Fuselage 2.0 | 2/14/03 | 6/03 |
gear-s2 | 2 of 3 Nose Gear Bungee 2.0 | 2/14/03 | 6/03 |
| Nosewheel Bungee Installation Tool allows you to install or replace nose gear bungee easily in minutes. | | |
gear-s3 | 3 of 3 Main Gear Spring 2.0 | 2/14/03 | 6/03 |
final-assy-s4-a | 1 of 3 Assembly of the Cabin Doors | 3.2 | 11/03 |
final-assy-s4-b | 2 of 3 Assembly of the Cabin Doors | 3.2 | 11/03 |
final-assy-s4-c | 3 of 3 Door Stop / Opening Latch | 3.2 | 11/03 |
final-assy-s5 | Installing the Fin to the Fuselage / Stabilizer | 3.0 | 5/5/00 |
LYCOMING 0-360 Engine InstallationDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
thrust-line | Lycoming Thrust Line Position dwg | 8/26/02 | 8/26/02 |
cowl-a1 | Lycoming O-360 – Section A1 – Installation of the engine cowl | 1.0 | 01/10/02 |
baffles-1a | Lycoming O-360 – Section 1a – Installation of the engine baffles | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
baffles-1b | Lycoming O-360 – Section 1b – Installation of the engine baffles | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
oil-cooler-2 | Lycoming O-360 – Section 2 – Installation of the Oil Cooler | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
fuel lines-3 | Lycoming O-360 – Section 3 – Installation of the Fuel Lines | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
carb-heat-4 | Lycoming O-360 – Section 4 – Installation of the Carb Heat Box | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
mixture-ctrl-5a | Lycoming O-360 – Section 5a – Installation of the Mixture Control Cable | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
mixture-ctrl-5b | Lycoming O-360 – Section 5b – Installation of the Mixture Control Cable | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
muffler-6 | Lycoming O-360 – Section 6 – Installation of the Muffler | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
oil-pressure-7 | Lycoming O-360 – Section 7 – Installation of the Oil Pressure Sender | 1.0 | 11/30/01 |
spinner-9 | Lycoming O-360 – Section 9 – Installation of the Propeller Spinner | 1.0 | 1/19/04 |
OTHERDocuments | Description | Revision | Last Update |
parts-list | Parts List – Complete kit Indexed by Part Number (14 pages) Part List rev. | 12/20/02 | 12/02 |
panel | Instrument panel blank | dwg | 2/27/02 |
manual updates | Assembly Manuals Update (32 pages) | text | 12/20/02 |
VCI-373 | Cortec 373 Corrosion Protection | brochure | |
Material Safety Data Sheet | brochure | | 10/2003 |
pneu-riveter | Using the pneumatic rivet puller | | 12/18/01 |
801-w&b | STOL CH 801 Weight & Balance Worksheet: Form FWB-801 | 6/25/02 | 6/25/02 |
801-cg | STOL CH 801 Center of Gravity Limits: Form FCG-801 | 8/2002 | 8/6/02 |
8XE-1 | Fuel System (standard firewall mounted gascolator) | dwg | 10/18/01 |
8XE-2 | Fuel System (auxiliary wing tanks) | dwg | 10/18/01 |
8XE-3 | Fuel System (standard under cabin mounted gascolator) | dwg | 10/18/01 |
8FE-1 | Fuel Line Trim Around Door | dwg | 2/13/01 |
8FE-1.1 | Fuel Line Routing Around Door – standard fuel system. | dwg | 2/13/01 |
8FE-2 | Fuel Line Trim Around Door – dual wing tanks | dwg | 2/13/01 |
8FE-2.1 | Fuel Line Routing Around Door – dual wing tanks | dwg | 2/13/01 |
flap-circuit-fig1-2 | Electric Flap Circuit Drawing | dwg | 3/3/00 |
8ZV-01 | Pitot Tube Airspeed Markings and Wing Tie-Down Rings | dwg | 6/29/01 |
8ZZ-1 | Rear Tunnel Assembly and Center Seat Belt dwg | 12/15/02 | 12/15/02 |
8CN-01 | Elevator / Rudder Control Cables dwg | 8/16/02 | 8/02 |
8CN-02 | Flaperon & Elevator Control System (hardware). Two Pages | dwg | 12/4/00 |
8CN-3.1 | Control Deflections: Flaperon Elevator and Rudder | dwg | 09/22/04 |
8CN-3.2 | Elevator and Flaperon Deflection Templates | dwg | 9/15/00 |
8ZE-1 | Fuel Pump Assembly and Air Box Location | dwg | 11/19/01 |
wing-dihedral | Setting the Wing Dihedral Drawing dwg | 12/20/02 | 12/02 |
strut fairing | Installing the Wing Strut Fairing Option | |
This web site is published strictly for informational purposes. It is maintained to provide a forum for exchanging information about Zenair designs. Any pictures, diagrams, drawings or graphs, are used for general identification only, and are not to be taken to represent technical drawings or replicas of exact parts. You should not consider the educational material in the web site to be the practice of general aviation.
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