Drawing Updates for the CH750 STOL

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Current Drawings Edition
DocumentSummary of Latest Drawing Updates
List of Updates 4th EditionSummary of Changes to Drawings Edition 4 (Dec 22, 2016)
List of Updates 3rd Edition(from 2nd Edition, 1st Revisio, dated April 16, 2012)
List of Updates 2nd Edition1st Revision (dated March 22, 2011)
List of Updates 2nd Edition(dated July 20, 2010, Design max. weight to 1,440 lbs)
List of Updates 1st edition1st revision
About the 3rd Edition (with raised cabin height)

STOL CH 750 builders and owners do not need to update to the 3rd edition drawings, unless wanting to increase the cabin height.

Click here to view a list of the parts for increased cabin height (changes from 2nd Edition to the 3rd Edition).

Now available: STOL CH 750 Curved Cabin Top (3rd Edition) Kit.  This kit  is for current customers wanting to update their existing kit (Edition 1 or 2) and includes the parts changes.  Kit includes the 3rd edition drawings (same serial number as your current)

These parts for the raised cabin are fairly bulky and delicate since they include a new welded cabin frame assembly and new formed windshield and new formed top window.

Since the taller cabin features are now standard with new kits, we cannot accept exchanges or returns of Edition 2 (or earlier) parts (such as the welded cabin frame or formed windshield).  However, we are working on a drawing to help builders modify their existing cabin frame to take full advantage of the raised cabin.

About the 2nd Edition (with design gross weight increase):

STOL CH 750 builders and owners do not need to update to the 2nd edition drawings, unless wanting the gross weight increase.

Click here to view a list of the parts changes (for gross weight increase) from 1st Edition to the 2nd Edition.

STOL CH 750 Drawing Updates
DocumentSummary of Latest Drawing UpdatesRevisionLast Updated
Updates 3rd EditionSummary of changes to the 3rd Edition (see above)Edition 34/16/12
Updates 2nd EditionSummary of changes to the 2nd Edition, 1st revisionEdition 23/24/11
Updates 3-2009Summary of drawings revisions and updates to the 1st edition (to 3/24/09)Edition 13/24/09
W&BSTOL CH 750 Weight & Balance Worksheet 4/09
STOL CH 750: Latest Drawing Updates or Additions
DocumentSummary of Latest Drawing UpdatesRevisionLast Updated
Parts Catalog 2nd ed.STOL CH 750 – Illustrated Parts Catalog (10 pages) 2nd Ed.Edition 29/10
Parts CatalogSTOL CH 750 – Illustrated Parts Catalog (10 pages)Edition 1 Revision 18/10
75-FA-10Fuselage DoublersEdition 1 Revision 18/10
75-ZA-7Control Deflections & Control Stops 10/09
75-ZA-6Bubble Door Installation Drawing 75-ZA-6 with door latch details 12/09
75-Z-2Door Latch Drawing 75-Z-2 10/09

This web site is published strictly for informational purposes. It is maintained to provide a forum for exchanging information about Zenair designs. Any pictures, diagrams, drawings or graphs, are used for general identification only, and are not to be taken to represent technical drawings or replicas of exact parts. You should not consider the educational material in the web site to be the practice of general aviation.

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