Builders Page for the Zenith CH750 STOL

Following are the latest CH750 STOL photo assembly guides. The following is published to supplement (and not replace) the drawings. If a discrepancy arises between these photo assembly guides and the Drawings, the Drawings always take precedence. These documents are presented in the Adobe Acrobat file format for online viewing and easy printing. The photos are presented in low-resolution for quicker downloads.

NOTICE: These documents contain copyrighted information and are NOT FOR DUPLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION.

LinkDocumentsRevisionLast Update
FAA NKETFAA letter determining STOL CH 750 kit allows amateur builder to register the plane as an “amateur-built – Experimental” aircraft (meeting the “major portion” requirement of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations part 21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts, � 21.191(g).Letter dated May 20 2010. 
STOL 750LS POHDRAFT STOL CH 750 Pilot Operating Handbook
Note: This is the POH used with the STOL 750LS S-LSA aircraft, with O-200 engine. The manual may not be applicable to amateur-built aircraft (with different engines).
March 20099/2010
STOL 750LS MAINTDRAFT STOL CH 750 Maintenance Manual
Note: This is the maintenance manual for the STOL 750LS S-LSA aircraft with O-200 engine. The manual may not be applicable to amateur-built aircraft (with different engines).
March 20099/2010
STOL CH 750 Parts CatalogSTOL CH 750 Parts Catalog (2nd Edition)2nd ed.9/2010
701-contstruct-manualSTOL CH 701 Basic Construction Manual
18 pages – 4th edition
4th ed.12/2003
CSConstruction Standards for Zenair Light AirplanesDraft1/07
TAIL – Rudder
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Click hereinformation on the Metalworking101 DVD from which covers the step-by-step assembly of the rudder.  
introductionIntroduction to building – 18 pages10/0211/6/02<
rudder-1 (701/750)Rudder (vertical tail) Assembly:Section 1 of 3: Rudder SkeletonRev. 1.72/10
rudder-2 (701/750)Rudder (vertical tail) Assembly:
Section 2 of 3: Rudder Skins
Rev. 1.902/01/10
rudder-3 (701/750)Rudder (vertical tail) Assembly:
Section 3 of 3: Optional Tail Light
Rev. 1.18/18/04
Horizontal Tail – Section T
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75-TA-1 Horizontal Stabilizer SkeletonHorizontal Tail Assembly:75-TA-1 Horizontal Stabilizer SkeletonRevision 1.313/08/10
75-TA-2 Horizontal Stabilizer SkinHorizontal Tail Assembly:75-TA-2 Horizontal Stabilizer SkinRev. 1.210/6/09
75-TA-3 Elevator SkeletonHorizontal Tail Assembly:75-TA-3 Elevator Skeleton AssemblyRev. 1.110/6/09
75-TA-4 Elevator Stabilizer SkinsHorizontal Tail Assembly:75-TA-4 Elevator SkinsRev. 1.39/22/15
75-TA-5 Elevator Trim TabHorizontal Tail Assembly:75-TA-5 Elevator Trim TabRev. 1.110/7/09
75-TA-6 Horiz. Tail and Elevator MountingHorizontal Stabilizer and Elevator Mounting:75-ZA-1Rev. 1.19/28/11
Wings – Section W
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75-WA-1 Wing SkeletonWing Skeleton Assembly:75-WA-1Revision 1.25/9/12
75-WA-2 Wing SkinsWing Skins Assembly:75-WA-2Revision 1.25/9/12
75-KA-1 Fuel SystemFuel System / Wing Tanks:75-KA-1Revision 1.18/19/11
Flaperons and Slats
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75-AA-1 FlaperonFlaperon Assembly: 75-AA-1Revision 1.15/24/16
75-SA-1 SlatsLeading Edge Wing Slats Assembly: 75-SA-1Revision 1.03/17/09
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75-FA-1 FuselageRear Fuselage Skins: 75-FA-1Revision 2.02/3/15
75-FA-2 FuselageRear Fuselage Top Skin & Rear Fuselage Assembly: 75-FA-2Revision 2.08/10/10
75-FA-3 FuselageFuselage: Baggage Compartment: 75-FA-3Revision 2.08/13/10
75-FA-4 FuselageForward Fuselage Assembly: 75-FA-4Revision 2.03/31/15
75-FA-5 FuselageFirewall – Forward Fuselage Assembly: 75-FA-5Revision 2.08/16/10
75-FA-6 & 7 FuselageFuselage Joining & Forward Fuselage Assembly: 75-FA-6 and 75-FA-7Revision 2.15/312
75-FA-8Seats & Seat Belts: 75-FA-9Revision 1.010/25/10
75-FA-9Windshield & Window Installation: 75-FA-9Revision 1.29/17/12
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75-LA-1Nose Gear InstallationRevision 1.22/28/11
75-LA-2Main Gear InstallationRevision 1.09/29/09
Controls System
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75-CA-1Section 75-CA-1 – Flaperon ControlsRevision 1.110/15/13
75-CA-2Section 75-CA-2 – Elevator ControlsRevision 1.014/12/11
75-CA-3Section 75-CA-3 – Rudder ControlsRevision 1.09/15/10
C75-CA-3 rudder cables routingRudder Cables Routing – photos 5/16
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75-ZA-1Section 75-ZA-1 – Mounting the Horizontal StabilizerRevision 1.011/23/10
75-ZA-2Section 75-ZA-2 – Mounting the RudderRevision 1.011/9/10
75-ZA-3Section 75-ZA-3 – Fin & Rudder Cable Fairing InstallationRevision 1.012/3/10
75-ZA-4 & 5 ASection 75-ZA-4 and 75-ZA-5 A – Wing, Strut, and Jury Strut InstallationRevision 1.012/01/10
75-ZA-4 & 5 BSection 75-ZA-4 and 75-ZA-5 B – Jury Strut InstallationRevision 1.012/01/10
75-ZA-6 ASection 75-ZA-6 A – Bubble Door InstallationRevision 1.012/03/10
75-ZA-6 BSection 75-ZA-6 B – Bubble Door Installation12/03/10
75-N-19Weather Sealing Door OptionDrawing10/11
c75-finishing1-door-sillCabin Doors – Door SillRevision 1.09/16
c75-finishing2-door-frameDoor FramesRevision 1.09/16
c75-finishing3-bubbleCabin Doors – Door bubble windowRevision 1.09/16
c75-finishing4-latchesCabin Doors – LatchesRevision 1.09/16
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PanelsSample Zenith Instrument Panel Layouts (template) 10/10
Panela sample instrument panel layout (custom) 7/14/09

Kit Options

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Dual StickDual Controls Sticks Option KitRevision 1.09/27/10
FWOFolding Wings Option KitRevision 1.02/22/10
UL Power UL350i / UL350iS Engine Installation
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Section 1Section 1 – Engine Mount InstallationRevision 1.05/29/12
Section 2Section 2 – Oil Cooler InstallationRevision 1.016/11/12
Section 3Section 3 – Baffling, Ignition, & Voltage RegulatorRevision 1.06/6/12
Section 4Section 4 – Fuel SystemRevision 1.06/18/12
Section 5Section 5 – ECU, EGT, OIL Pressure, OIL TemperatureRevision 1.08/8/12
Section 6Section 6 – Top & Bottom CowlRevision 1.08/17/12
Section 7Section 7 – Battery & Air Oil Separator InstallationRevision 1.010/5/12

This web site is published strictly for informational purposes. It is maintained to provide a forum for exchanging information about Zenair designs. Any pictures, diagrams, drawings or graphs, are used for general identification only, and are not to be taken to represent technical drawings or replicas of exact parts. You should not consider the educational material in the web site to be the practice of general aviation.

This site is not intended to replace, substitute for or supersede any technical information contained in the drawings, any Federal Aviation Administration regulations, or the manufacturer’s manuals.

Neither Zenith Aircraft Company (ZAC) nor the authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein and neither ZAC or any other authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This site is offered with the understanding that ZAC and any other authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.

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