To Zenith Aircraft Company​

Zenith Aircraft Online provides detailed information and resources on sport (experimental) aviation and our exciting line of homebuilt kit planes for sport pilots.


Zenith Aircraft Company: Quality Kit Aircraft Since 1992

For more than a quarter century Zenith Aircraft has been manufacturing and marketing aircraft kits from its modern production facilities at the Mexico Memorial Airport in Missouri. With customers across the U.S. and around the world, Zenith Aircraft is the leading manufacturer of light sport aircraft kits, with a proven commitment to builders and owners. Zenith Aircraft is in the exclusive business of designing, developing and manufacturing kit aircraft. The independent, privately-owned company was formed in 1992 and is based in leased 20,000+ sq.ft. production facilities. Zenith Aircraft acquired the exclusive rights to manufacture and market Zenair kit aircraft designs from designer Chris Heintz. The company is a proud member and supporter of the Experimental Aircraft Assoc. (EAA), the Aircraft Kit Industry Association (AKIA), and numerous other organizations dedicated to the advancement of sport aviation. Zenith Aircraft is continuously involved in projects devoted to aviation education and the advancement of sport aviation around the world. More…

In the news: EAA Sport Aviation   KITPLANES

Overview of the Zenith aircraft

CH 650
CH 701
CH 750
CH 750
STOL Super Duty
CH 750
Seating2 Place2 Place2 Place2 Place2 Place + One
Wing Style Low wingHigh WingHigh WingHigh WingHigh Wing
Maximum Continuous Speed
(sea level)
138 mph95 mph100 mph118 mph115 mph
Crusing (TAS)
8000 ft
160 mph98 mph100 mph118 mph105 mph
Stall Speed44 mph30 mph35 mph39 mph39 mph
Takeoff Distance550 ft90 ft100 ft350 ft115 ft
Landing Distance500 ft140 ft125 ft350 ft150 ft
Range656 miles350 miles440 miles525 miles400 miles
Kit Price
Airframe (starting)
Price DetailsPrice DetailsPrice DetailsPrice DetailsPrice Details
Light Sport Aircraft

Light Sport Aircraft and the Sport Pilot License

In 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration approved the creation of the Sport Pilot License and the Light Sport Aircraft Category. With this addition, flight became more affordable and achievable by the general population. Unlike Private Pilots, Sport pilots are not required to have an annual medical, and can fly with no more than a current driver’s license (after successfully earning the Sport Pilot license).
Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) are single engine planes with no more than two seats, a maximum weight of 1300 lbs, a maximum stall speed of 51 mph and a maximum speed of 138 mph. Light Sport Aircraft can be homebuilt or purchased completed; however, there are many benefits to building your own aircraft.

When built according to the design, the CH 650, CH 701 STOL, CH 750 STOL and CH 750 Cruzer are all categorized as Light Sport Aircraft and would be an excellent choice for any Sport Pilot. More info…

Design and Construction College

How do planes fly? What creates lift? How are aircraft designed? How does a STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) Aircraft work? Design and Construction College is an online resource designed to provide the homebuilder with practical and technical information about flight, aerodynamics and aircraft design. More…

Design and Construction
Designer Chris Heintz

Designer Chris Heintz, 1938 – 2021

An accomplished aeronautical engineer, Chris Heintz was a graduate of the ETH Institute in Switzerland. As a young man, Heintz began to design and build his own all-metal homebuilt aircraft incorporating simple construction methods throughout. As founder, president and chief engineer of Zenair Ltd. since 1974, Mr. Heintz designed and developed more than 12 new aircraft models, which have been marketed as kit aircraft around the world. Thousands of Heintz designed aircraft are flying around the world in more than 50 countries. Heintz designs have earned an excellent reputation among pilots, builders, the press, and aviation authorities for their durable all-metal construction, normal flight characteristics, reliability, and low maintenance requirements. Chris Heintz not only designed, developed and promoted aircraft, he was also actively involved in all facets of sport aviation as a long-time EAA member, frequently giving lectures and forums at chapter meetings and fly-ins, and consulted governments and aviation organizations. After retirement, Heintz wrote a detailed book on light aircraft design and construction, titled Flying On Your Own Wings, first published in 2009. More…

Engine Options

The Zenith aircraft are designed to provide attractive performance using efficient and lightweight new-generation aircraft engines, like the Rotax and UL Power, while also being suitable for traditional but heavier aircraft engines such as the Continental and Lycoming or similar. While all aircraft are designed within certain power and engine weight guidelines, Chris Heintz did not design these aircraft “around” a particular engine – to maximize the customer’s choice of installed powerplant.